P a l m   S p r i n g s   N e u r o p s y c h o l o g y

After receiving a Bacc. in Economics in France, I moved to the U.S. and obtained a BA in English. Just before the end of my undergraduate degree, I was introduced to neurobehavioral science and fell in love with it. I prolonged my undergraduate education and, in parallel, worked for two years in a psychophysiology lab, studying the impact of melatonin on circadian rhythms and behavior. After a BS in Psychology, I completed an MA in Experimental Psychology with a thesis on the effect of state anxiety on test performance. This is when I became increasingly interested in psychopathology and the assessment of cognitive deficits.

At the University of Oregon, I pursued an MS in Clinical Psychology and a PhD in Clinical Psychology, both with a focus in neuropsychology. My doctoral research used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data collected collaboratively at Stanford University to investigate differences in the brain signatures of individuals with endogenous vs. exogenous depression.  After my PhD, I was an intern at Harvard Medical School / McLean Hospital and then a clinical and research fellow at Harvard Medical School. In parallel, I worked at Harvard University where I was involved in two large studies: The first one investigated the neural processing of emotional over-involvement in individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder. The second focused on cortico-limbic responses to personally-challenging emotional stimuli after complete recovery from depression. I later completed a postdoctoral MS in Clinical Psychopharmacology as well as the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Program at Cornell University / T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.

I was a tenured assistant professor at American University, in Paris, while simultaneously maintaining a small private practice. Though I enjoyed many aspects of professorial life, it quickly became obvious that I favored clinical work and I accepted a full-time position in neuropsychology at a large multi-specialty clinic in Oregon, where I conducted neurocognitive evaluations for patients with a variety of neurodegenerative conditions, brain injuries, vascular accidents, and other neurological presentations. In 2019, desirous of more flexibility in my work life and in my personal life after twenty years of working in large institutions, I decided to move to sunny California and open Palm Springs Neuropsychology. Palm Springs has been a wonderful home for me and I am fortunate to have the best business manager one could hope for: Christie. She is an astute administrator and one of the most caring individuals I have ever met. I cannot say enough good things about her.

I am board-certified by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, one of only two board-certified medical providers in the Coachella Valley. I am a member of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and of

the Physicians Association for Nutrition. I am also a member of the National Academy of Neuropsychology. Finally, I am board-certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP-Clinical Psychology), the only provider in the Coachella Valley to hold this board-certification. I hold California BoP license #30356.

Julien Guillaumot, PhD, MSCP, DipACLM, ABPP